Zi Zuo Zi Shou Creative Supply Bureau
"Translatethe essence of Taiwanese culture with warmth and creativity,
defining the 'Taste of Taiwan' from within."
|| Brand Origin ||
Weare a cultural and creative brand from Taiwan, founded in 2005.
"ZiZuo Zi Shou" soundslike the Chinese idiom meaning "You reap what you sow."
Literally, itmeans "Make it and sell it yourself," reflecting the brand's earlydays when everything was handmade and sold by ourselves!
Thisname has guided us to stay true to our roots, now embodying the values of"Self-reliance and Responsibility"
and the original intent of"Made in Taiwan, locally sourced."
|| Our Vision ||
� Uniquecreativity, translating beautiful details of local culture.
� Heartfelt quality,making culture a trendy part of everyday life.
Throughour works, we hope to define self-worth for the Taiwanese people,
and the"Taste of Taiwan" for the world!
|| About Designers ||
Productdesigner Regine Chang turnscreativity into reality,
sharing products she loves to use herself, which isthe brand's original intent.
Graphicdesigner Bruce Wang infuses his workwith the aesthetics of bygone eras
and observations from everyday life throughartistic design.
Thiscombination led the brand to win the Gold Award at the Red House CreativeProduct Design Competition in 2008,
making our positioning even clearer.
Sincethen, we passionately showcase our vision of Taiwan,
using precious fragmentsof past life and delicate observations to embody the Taiwanese culture webelieve in.
|| Our Works ||
RetroT-shirts | Taiwan Stylish Bags | Taiwanese Life Accessories